Author : Marivic Nemi


If the current astral configuration..

Will give me a chance to choose..

The wiser course of action…

I want to made up my mind..


I am learning from emptiness..

By occupying righteousness…

Just try to be kinda sorta…

Pretty much always on my head..


Humor and laughter…

The best way of dealing…

So I’m just ignore some kind of revenge..

Let quietly reflect in all the option..


Did you hear? The sounds of silence…

While you are walking..,

Into the beam of light…


Not all declaration of your mind..

Is your heart expectation…

Why do you feel confuse..

When you are ready to refuse…


You don’t have to waste your time..,

By explaining , your tears!

Are more eloquent…

Than your words…


If you will say!

Tongue is the strongest muscle.,

In our body..,

Not all time it is useful…


You don’t have to swallow magnet…

To be more attractive..

Just laugh with your eyes..

Hug with your soul, ..

smile with your heart…




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