Author :Cristina Juanite


Is it Accidentally?
Is it Coincidence?
Is it Destiny?
So many questions,
Full of hesitation.

If loving you……
If loving you is a sin,
Why i have learned to love you?
If loving you is a sin,
Did you think, I  plan it too?

If loving you…
If loving you is a sin,
Did you think its my intention?
If loving you is a sin,
Did you think  i tell,
my heart to love you?

If loving you……
If loving you is a sin,
Why i continue, loving you?
If loving you is a sin,
Did you think its easy for me?

If loving you……..
If loving you is a sin,
Why do i always crying?
If loving you is a sin,
Why i still hiding my feelings?
If loving you is a sin,
Why i am always thinking about you?

If loving you is a sin,
Did you think,  i need to repent?
If loving you is a sin,
Unconditionally, loving you.

Until now, don’t  know the answer,
All I know, i start caring for you,
Since the day, that i met you.
Your words is Powerful,
that touch my heart, and my soul,

I don’t know how to escape,
from this undeniable,
What i know, i  have learned
to love you, even though,
It’s impossible,

Even though its a sin,
Even though i will,
still go through the pain,
Even though its a sin…
I will never stop,
Loving You till the END.

Cristina Juanite
All Rights Reserved 2021
Poem #22

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