Author: Mildred De Joya Par

Before you must love me
you must embrace my poetry
cause it gives me inner glow
sends my mind a certain joy
you want me to be romantic?
then to my lines you must stick
coz you’ll read yourself in them
every line of my wondrous poem
how freshly you make me bloom
even around us, so much gloom
so I exalt you in almost each line
our moments shared, how sublime
my flower petals for your kisses
but how sweet my line romances
every gaze and sweet embraces
my style elevated each cadences
your butterfly kisses inspiring me
passionately whispering, love me
therefore, feel it my heart, my poetry
All of my love, for you and for me.

4 thoughts on “LOVE MY POETRY_Mildred De Joya Par

  1. Your poetry talks so much about you and what you are. The beauty in every line never elopes the imagery that’s formed in the reader’s mind.

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