Author : Heydayat Ullah 

If you take respect,
Floats a great aspect,
There isn’t any suspect,
Achieving the prospect.
It’s a celestial word,
An elegant accord,
Of earthling’s horde,
Because man’s byword.
It grabs the award,
Bestows you as reward,
Things unlock be forward,
Nothing will be awkward.
It’s the only real key,
Open lock of sympathy & empathy,
Achieve a chance of better longevity,
In your life, you’ll have no apathy.
You’ve do strictly adhere,
Be featured everywhere,
Feel cosiness & calmness in belvedere,
On a survival of biosphere.
Date : 28/ January/ 2021

1 thought on “Respect_Heydayat Ullah 

  1. Thanks alot esteemed members of jury for featuring my poem “Respect” in this prestigious literary magazine, I’m truly inspired and enthused by this stimulatant prominence.

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