Author : Heydayat Ullah

It’s a new dawn of winter,
I’m sure, it’s going to stare,
My starving soul and temperament,
Refresh the old memory in right moment.
Breezing in a winter season,
The hues of love & harmony with song,
For an effective course be a new dawn,
That will make me elegantly crown.
It’s a fresh start of a good end,
All the things the One will send,
Enjoy the moment being cool and silence,
That will fresh soul tasting the essence.
It’s a rapturous corollary of the One,
Makes to slake & gladden everyone,
Feature a benevolent day in the life,
That will ensure things abstaining the strife.

1 thought on “Breeze in Winter_Written By Heydayat Ullah

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