Author : Pushmaotee Subrun

Love at first sight,
Enveloped me with all its might,
It seemed Cupid had targeted its love arrow right,
I was soon in the seventh heaven of delight,
My heart started growing wings,
Such as a magical moment which only passionate love brings!
And your declarations of love,
Was like a great boon from above.
Your love letters, full of praises, to Cleopatra comparing me,
Or the beauty queens of Indian movies, sent in me
Awesome feelings of being beautiful. And a new me
Sprung up, giving me the taste of paradise, really,
I felt my dull life turning from coal to gold gradually.
Flashes of being crowned as the queen of your heart, my goodness,
Visited me ever and anon. You were all I ever wanted in all earnest,
Pining to be with you, my happiness,
The very embodiment of ecstasy, my terrestrial bliss!
And my soul too reached the higher realms,
Transporting me to the fields of Elysium.
Your support, your sweetness like honey,
The softness and the thrill of your love drenched me,
In every pore of my being, to quench me,
With such a heavenly spring of eternal love,
That my soothed soul welcomed you as my soul mate, my dove.
Yes, love brought such a change,
Did magic in colourful range,
Bringing the feeling of being complete,
Rejuvenating my confidence, my body waking up replete,
Being cherished, stirring me all anew to fresh life,
Indeed, making me rise like the phoenix, with renewed life.

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