Law of Nature

-Marivic Nemi


Celebrate your newfound strength.

Today is a brandnew day .

Clean the heart make a wish.

For everyone be solace.

Thankful for every grace.

It’s your turn to spread the generosity.

Among the nation needy for love.

Raise your hand catching gleam.

Open your heart to see the beautifying joy.

Open your eyes to see the wonders of human nature.

Open your palm to hold the pollen grain.

Open your mouth to speak silence.

Yourself is the owner of wealth.

Your love is the source of goodliness.

Your heart is the golden treasure.

Your footprint is your dream.

Earth is your universe.

Universe is waiting for you.

You are the star.

Star of your own integrity.

Integrity everyone looking for .

For achieving compassionate heart.

Heart of virtue-loving that unburden.

Unburden to survive humanity.

Humanity that consist of diverse.

Diverse culture and tradition.

Tradition, culture ought to respect.

Respect to make everyone have perception.

Perception that can heal .

Heal the wounded land.

Land that our antecedents.

Antecedents that you can exist.

Exist towards your mind.

Mind that follow heart demand.

Demand that deserve common sense.

Sense of acceptance.

Acceptance to love uncritically.

Uncritically to find good destination.

Destination that can be paradise.

Paradise of wisdom, peace equities.

Equities that valuing human life.

Life is too short to fucos in evil.

Evil that distract reputation.

Reputation that should be reside.

Reside in our personisation.

Personisation that can be solution.

Solution to have formation.

Formation for formality.

Formality for earthian.., divinity ,sanity

Sanity, so no more hunger, no bombs, no disease . no argument.

Argument that can be vanish.

Vanish by wishing , interacting into the law of nature.



As a poetess I always look up to the tremendous stride to continue my passion. I firmly believe through poetry I can convey affection in the universe. I wanna give the light of hope for those who despair, I want to raise awareness about human integrity . A good friendship that can evolve through my pen.

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