-Ramesh Chandra Pradhani


Men of modesty real heroes who can subdue

The enemy of anger, envy forced for peace to sue

Men of modesty are the epitome of humanity

Angels of promises to keep and embodiment of serenity

Men of modesty are men of self-effacement

Show not their any achievement

Neither in words nor in action of perfection

Like fragrance of flowers spread in all directions

Men of modesty are men of reticence

Adopt the divine weapon of silence

To tackle all situations with full confidence

They believe in themselves to win others’ credence.

Meekness their best technique to solve the problems

Compel the persons in front of them

As hypnotized to surrender in stead to blame.

Men of modesty are men of humility

Thoughts and experiences adds their magnanimity

The way they culture shapes their identity

The way they behave teaches the society.

Lifelong self-conscious are men of modesty

Far from undue awareness of own identity

Modesty, not age or growth, shows one’s maturity

Humanitarian attitude in life begets modesty



Currently working as Asst prof of English and Principal in charge at P S DEGREE COLLEGE DEOGAON BALANGIR ODISHA. Writing poetry is a great passion for me.

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