-Amb. Maid Corbic


I was waiting for you there in the old place

Just as the Moon covered its fear

Somehow, as if he foresaw trouble

That will happen on that fateful night

When destiny and happiness stirred

What then turned was on my side

Love was born, and I skillfully ran away from it

Five to twelve, he knocks slowly on his door

The solemn moment is approaching when we will tell each other

“We love each other immensely, to culminate in marriage?”

Although we are not adults and total laymen for life

We were looking for a part of ourselves in us

We dreamed of having a happy life

And let’s not get over a lot of problems

That we have a much better relationship than others have

All of these were our youthful desires

All in the wee hours, where erotica also has its name

But it’s too early for that for us yet!

And so I was waiting for you in the very corner of the street

He gave his imagination the right to dream dirty thoughts

At twelve at last when the clock struck

It was as if my life had stopped in vain

Because you were in it, and I was just a caricature

I couldn’t even speak; he was silent from the situation

In front of whom I found myself so infamous

So I chose maybe a different ending

Where I simply gave up on everything

I was Poltron of events when I finally saw you

But you were not alone

But with someone else, I guess that’s how it goes

You love me today, you pre-hurt tomorrow

And how then to be the same

After a missed fall

At twelve in the evening

When I go to bed and I feel nostalgic

That someone else has you !?


Introduction to the poet: Amb. Maid Corbic from Tuzla, 21 years old. In his spare time, he writes poetry that has been praised and awarded several times. He also selflessly helps others around him, and is the moderator of the WLFPH (World Literature Forum Peace and Humanity) for unity and world peace in Bhutan. He is also the editor of the portal of the First Virtual Art Universe, led by Dijana Uherek Stevanovic.

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