-Maid Corbic


Defaux time, killed by life

I tarnish my name and surname just like that

to someone who doesn’t appreciate me the way I am at heart

because everyone cares how much money I have in my pocket

Hard times, I try to be normal

but it is impossible when I have strange people

who want me to be what I am not

and I can’t be that

And every time I want to be as good as possible

something happens, someone decrypts me

so it converts binary codes to hexadecimal

anyway without questions, I will be absolute zero

The word just remained on paper

strange times are where love is hardened

the poems became a goodnight fairy tale

silence replaced by blows

which I give into the four walls consciously

I can go on alone

but life is not loneliness

it’s not worth being what you’re not

when everyone decrypts you.


Introduction to the poet- 

Maid Corbic from Tuzla, 21 years old. In his spare time he writes poetry that repeatedly praised as well as rewarded. He also selflessly helps others around him, and he is moderator of the World Literature Forum WLFPH (World Literature Forum Peace and Humanity) for humanity and peace in the world in Bhutan. He is also the editor of the First Virtual Art portal led by Dijana Uherek Stevanovic, and the selector of the competition at a page of the same name that aims to bring together all poets around the world. Many works have also been published in anthologies and journals (Chile, Spain, Ecuador, Bosnia and Herzegovina, San Salvador, United Kingdom, Indonesia, India, Croatia, Serbia, etc.) as well as printed copies of the anthology of poems “Sea in the palm of your hand“, „Stories from Isolation”, and “Kosovo Peony” and others.


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