There’s a rainbow brewing

-Lungi Shigo Msusa


Light shined at the end of the tunnel

Rainbow surprised the rain forest

Rain in the desert caused floods

For the first time there’s joy under the sun

Flowers are blooming like it’s Spring

The kitchen is smelling nice I’m famished

Mama’s shoes down relaxing on a sofa

Even the walls of the house are smiling

Resistance gone we are falling in love

War of words and darkness are vanishing

Can she love me unconditionally again?

Impurity in love brings doubts, learned my lesson

Has she forgiven my impulsive impunity?

I enjoy her silence, it’s welcoming

It’s comforting, it’s in harmony with mine

It’s a moment rich with peace again

Ok I agree true love doesn’t really die

It got suppressed by the pain I caused

Now the layers of pain are slowly leaving

Layer by layer they are reviling her loving heart

There’s a rainbow we’re in love again

I can see it in her silence she’s in love


Introduction Poet-

Name : Lungi Christian Msusa but writing as Lungi Shigo Msusa.

Born 25 November 1967 in Eastern Cape Province, South Africa at a small town named East London. Moved to Mdantsana township just outside East London when he was still very young to start his first primary school at Sophakama Primary school.

His love for writing started after he stopped working in 2019 to pursue his dream of owning his own business and writing poetry and small stories.

His love for poetry was developed by his love for reading literature, any kind of Literature, from novels to autobiographies and poetry then poetry took over his life, now all his love is to develop his poetry skills.

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