-Amb Maid Čorbić


I give the world the best version of myself.

and I don’t think it’s the same bad thing.

When I know I will be happier

and that I can do a lot for the world

because I am a little ecologist who saves the world.

not to sink forever when needed

because I trust myself more than others around me.

and I know that maybe it costs me a lot sometimes.

but I follow the line of great resistance

to fight the politicians of my climate

The world has also lost a hundred percent of the coronavirus inflation compensation

but I’m not afraid to say all the truth I feel.

and that is that deforestation is another survival for us

but I also suffer from asthma.

was worse for the whole life we did

and I know that maybe not everything is as I dreamed.

but I believe I am one, but an ecologist.

ready to help the world as much as I can

for every one of our throwing of any kind of rubbish

and streams and lakes and harm me as an asthmatic

I am a little ecologist who always takes care of everything.

and I know that the meaning of existence is happiness zua mana

When I continue to say that I am what I have become

ready to keep the world from bad looks and people

ready to do only what they want for money

and I am someone who wants to make it happen forever.

because generations will come to this planet Earth.

Therefore, do not cut down forests and do not be weirdos.

because everything ends up being paid on my shoulders.

When I suffer from a disease that leaves a mark, it is too late to repent!


Introduction Poet- 

Maid Corbic, comes from Bosnia and Herzegovina. He have twenty two years and lives in Tuzla. He spends most of his free time writing and reading books. His works have been published in numerous portals such as: „Kosovo Peonies“, „Amritanyali Journal“, „“, „VIS Internationaly Magazine“ and many others in world.



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