
-Daniela Marian



the stars drip sparks

planets rotated into galaxies

the wind folds its wings

lightning calls rain

it’s dark on earth

there is stunned silence

the owl chases away the ghosts

the dawn sends colored spheres,

it’s small, and cold on the flowers,

everything is falling apart

people don’t mind their own business

they have no time for meditation,

they don’t have time to confess,

they don’t have time

to look anymore

how nature embraces them

she wants to be their friend

sadness took to over them…

he is being pressured

by austerity measures…

and yet life is beautiful

remains for another age

time is tired, go away..



I love poetry and painting since I was a child. I have published five volumes of poems as an author and two volumes woth together with two author. I have published in many magazines and anthologies with poets from the country and from other countries. I received diplomas and a certificates of excellence in poetry. I am a graduate of university and post-graduate studies. I am a promoter of environmentalism, peace, animal protection, I help disadvantaged children through donations as much as I can afford. I am against racial and religious discrimination.





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