Author : Pushmaotee Subrun

Indeed, time and tide wait for no man.
It flies past us and we hardly realise our time is limited
On earth, we do not realise the essence of life,
Fighting, worrying, harassing, looting, and even killing,
As if our only duty is to do harm to human beings.
So many take it upon themselves to keep on
Acting as Hitlers in society!
We puny creatures, let us know our real purpose
In the Lord’s creation. We have come here, each of us,
To love, to respect, to help ourselves and others,
Not to be a cog in the wheel.
If we cannot do so, at least we can respect ourselves,
The image of the Lord!
Time flies, we are dust and will return to dust.
It’s high time to think what good we have done on earth,
Apart from pleasing our tongues and getting all those
Material objects to satisfy our non-stop desires!
If we stop our greed, to gain by hook or by crook,
We shall suffer less.
Why not take time out for ourselves and think,
Or do yoga, to calm ourselves and connect
With our real higher self, the supreme Lord,
To gain an insight into the purpose of our lives,
The purpose to do good and be good, to encourage
Others to have plenty of hope and faith that things
Will be better and never to stop trying hard,
Till we succeed!

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