– Tshering Wangchuk, Bhutan


I am not a professional poet

But I don’t like staying quiet.

I like penning down my feelings

Experienced through dealings.

I don’t fear commiting blunders

For I strongly believe in wonders.

Many a times, a child falls down

Before he can proudly walk around.

Life’s a grandeur learning stage

You learn with every passing age.

There’s no perfect time for learning

Every second is filled with yearning.

Let us not invite procrastination

The obstacle to your destination.

Procrastinated ideas are futile

Tires your mind, steals your smile.

Pen down what comes to your mind

If prolonged, ideas you can’t find.

Fear not if it’s right or wrong

Later you find that ideas throng.

Drop by drop filling the ocean

Akin to it, the power of emotion.

My dear newbies, accept my wee advice

Though it may not sound good and nice.

You shall soon see your pen dancing

On the paper, the thoughts romancing.


Introduction to the poet :-

Tshering Wangchuk is a teacher by profession and a poet by passion. He is from the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan. He teaches in one of the high schools of Bhutan. This is his 14th year in the teaching profession. He has written around 100 poems and some of his poems have been published in various international websites and journals. He loves writing didactic poems with end rhymes.


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