– Mildred DJ. Par, Philippines 


Oh how lovely! to be kissed by a butterfly

This early morning, upon opening my eyes

Very gentle cool breeze, very serene sky

What a lovely morning, makes me wanna fly.

What a fresh day, you blessed me with

Your sweet gaze and you’re a sweet myth

Early morning wisps which I care for keeps

The whole day, even before the sun peeps.

You gave me dear, immense inspiration

As if I’m in heaven, oh! sweet adoration

I’ve awaken so wonderfully, my friend

Flowers with dew, and i appreciate you.

You sent me love, that’s what I know

Such a sweet soul, Oh! God bless you

My day is complete even before it starts

With just a word, a kiss, my fairy little friend.


Bio Note-

Poet MILDRED De Joya PAR sometimes to herself sa Sappho or Nada in some of her poetic verses. A late bloomer in her 50s, she was able to earn a few recognitions in her name after winning numerous awards and recognition on various poetic platforms.

She also had appeared as a guest in two international live interviews based in India. Recently, two of her poems appeared in the newly released book by Williamsji Mavelli, “Inspire” and with Rini Valentina’s “Souls of Love”, both available on She also participated in various International Reading Festivals. Meanwhile, her poems were translated into the Arabic language by an Egyptian poet.

Much notable in writing her poems is the youthfulness and vibrance of her poems on the subject that deals with young love and its intricacies, fate and friendships. She also writes most often about the two-fold functions of literature, “dulce et utile’.

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