Samo ja

-Borna Kekić


Ponekad nesvjesno poletim nebom

ostavim muke i brige,

a ne bih trebao…

Olovka u ruci,

Ispred mene prazan papir.

Idem nepoznatim putem,

u svoje misli kročim,

bježim od svih,

tražim mjesto gdje mi neće suditi,

Mjesto gdje ću moći biti samo ja.

Onaj ja koji sam u svojoj duši,

čist, iskren, ispravan.

I jak.

Da ne bježim.

Samo ja…

Samo ja….


BRIEF BIOGRAPHY: I was born in Zagreb, I finished high school in economics. I started with music as a little boy in the Zagreb Kids Choir. I started rap in 7 elementary schools and it has remained my preoccupation to this day, so I went through various forms of music. my lyrics, I make my own music and in high school I started to create my own small music studio. The knowledge gained in economics school in the field of marketing and entrepreneurship encouraged me to additional activities so that currently in addition to studio recording I also make videos. poets and it encouraged me to express my emotions in this way as well.

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