Author: Rosalie Humilde

You were conceived outside marriage
You were abandoned at eight.
You started to face life’s tribulations
And to fight problems on your own.
You have become a porter in the market
Carrying loads heavier than your weight.
You have experienced how hard life is
Even at a very young age.
You needed to wake up early in the morning
And stop working late in the
At night when you could finally take a rest
You couldn’t help but ask God why at a young age
He has already given you a heavy test.
What have you done to suffer like this?
Why He seemed forsaken you like what your parents did?
While the other children were enjoying playing,
You were there too busy working.
Then one morn while you were busy,
A man noticed you and got curious about you.
Why at your age you were already there,
Abusing your young body by toiling seriously.
He asked you about your life,
but you tried to avoid him
Because your heart has been clouded and dimmed.
You trusted no one for the fear of being forsaken
And you didn’t want your life to be doubly shaken.
But he was so persistent, so you finally gave up
And you also felt that someone wanted you to pour your heart out.
Suddenly you felt a heavy burden was removed from your heart
And you felt you were ready for a fresh start.
The man said he wanted to help you
He offered himself to be your father by adopting you
He wanted you to be a member of his family
A family that you thought could exist only in fantasy.
So now you have your loving family
And they give you a place to stay
A place which is filled with love
A love that you know comes from above.
You also realized God didn’t forsake you
He has been there all along guiding you.
Your heart is now filled with gratitude
For you will no longer be in solitude
You now have a family that helps you bloom
And at last you can now say, “I am finally home.”